Sunday, October 5, 2014


HK is in turmoil.
Effecting every HKer.
Some now Hate, Dislike, Unlike...

Unfriend etc. each other.
Because they're on different side :
One on the side of the HK Police,

The other on the side of HK Students.
I turned this once in a lifetime Crisis,
Into once in a lifetime Chances...

Chances to help myself and my boys,
To become Better by understanding...
Others and Ourselves more.

I asked my boys,
'Which side are you on :
Police or Students?'

They asked me back.
I reminded them,
'I'm always on the Right Side.'

'Not on the side of the Police,
'Not on the side of the Students.
'But whoever did the Right thing...

'At one particular time,
'I'll support them.
'I look at EACH incident on its Merit.'

I also reminded them,
'Never, Ever fall into, what I call,
ET, NOT the movie, but...

'Emotion Trap.
'Do NOT tie your Emotions to any particular...
'Individual or group;

'Make sure your Judgement is based on...
'Facts + Consequences of EACH incident.
'Because we're all only Humans,

'We all make Bad Decisions sometimes,
'Good Decisions some other times.
'Noone is 100% Right at All times.'

I gave them 2 examples.
Police was Wrong in firing CS Gas,
Against mostly peaceful protesting students.

Students were Wrong in occupying...
Too many roads for too long to obstruct...
Innocents from going to work, schools etc.

Everyone has the Imperfect Side
Twitter : @longyinfather
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